Wednesday, September 7, 2011


With the tenth anniversary of America's worst tragedy looming on the horizon, there are many questions that need to be asked of the American people. Can you trust the leadership in the White House? Is my family and their values safe from harm? Does Congress serve the interests of the people? Where will the jobs come from? All of these questions are valid, hoever, before the American people can address any of these we have to ascertain what a Real American is.

I was born in High Point, North Carolina in 1956. My vision of what America is is based solely on the peace and prosperity that reigned in my childhood. By the time I was a teenager America had begun to change in some very fundamental ways that I could not fully appreciate until I was an adult. By the time I was 21, in 1977, the America of my youth was dead and had been replced by a cancerous and unrelenting force dedicated to making that America a period in history that would be mocked and derided.

My opinions might be unpopular at the Daily Kos or within the comfortable confimes of the limousines liberal billionaires ride in, but here are the facts as I see them.

1. An American is a Christian who believes in the Word and lives by that Word.

2. An American believes in the power in the document that is the Constitution.

3. An American is someone born in the United States of America to two American parents.

4. An American knows that he has a right to keep and bear arms and that this right cannot be taken away

5. An American works rather than seeking to have others pay for their mistakes.

6. An American knows that marriage can only happen between one man and one woman.

7. An American knows that abortion is murder.

8. An American knows that the TEA Party and conservatism are the last best hopes for his nation.

And before the Liberal crazies call me a bigot, this is an American.

Now if you are a "moderate" or a Liberal I challenge you to take this list and seek out these kinds of people. See how they live and act and dress for work. Meet their families go to their churches and ask yourself, "Is the path of Liberal destruction of America really the path I choose to support?"

God Bless America!

Harold Stinson
Sheol City Desk Editor
Sheol Deceiver
September 7, 2011

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